How to win friends and influence people trick 1

How to win friends and influence people is a book, where author shared many tricks to deal with the people of there own kind.

Here I am going to summarize in lack of time.

If you want honey don't kick beehive.

If you want someone in your life, never say anything bad about it.

If you want to make a girlfriend don't say ashame words.

Whenever you think to make people like you, stop criticism and stop criticizing about anything which related to them.

Criticizing make people feel bad and in the end they will leave you.

You always thing about people at least they like you but what if you kick them. it's a same like kicking not physically but mentally.

If not criticizing than what?

No criticizing doesn't mean stay quiet.
Instead of criticizing, look for a positive point in them.

Most of the people who do wrong in there life not because they are bad but they criticized by others.

Criticizing change the behavior of people and they act exact opposite to it.

Next time whenever you feel bad on people stop criticizing to make a good relationship.
