Teer Counter
Have you ever haired about you can get so much money and you can make as much as possible in a one day. hope so, it's happened in Shillong.
you have to try your luck and wait for your lottery or jackpot and enjoy your life.
Teer Counter in Shillong
- You should be good in mathematics and assuming the right value. \
- You should know how to count right and choose right from 0 to 99 numbers.
- At the end you will be a slum-dog millionaire.
- Life is hard make it easy by playing this million dollar jackpot and have a fun in whole remaining life.
What is Teer counter in Actaully????
You have money come here and play and win your jack pot but wish not always come true.
you have 0 to 99 number and you have to choose number and make a deal with it, after choosing a number wait till 3pm for first round and 5:15pm for secound round.
All the number you choose, you have to get it from archery counter or in other words teer counter. hope so you are getting me right here.
Lets play the game baby
choose your number and invest money on it and if your number will come you will earn a handsome money.
First round
Investing 1Rs--------------------------------------- 80Rs
Investing 10Rs---------------------------------------800Rs
Investing 100Rs--------------------------------------- 8000Rs
Second round
Investing 1Rs--------------------------------------- 60Rs
Investing 1Rs--------------------------------------- 600Rs
Investing 1Rs--------------------------------------- 6000Rs
you can choose any number in a one day after spending money on any number which you want!!!!!
if you choose 81 from morning
and your number will come in evening at 3 pm is 81.
you will earn
amount you spend in 81
1- 80Rs
if you choose only second number,
your number will come in evening at 5:15 pm is 81.
you will earn
amount you spend in 81
1- 60Rs
you have to choose 81 from both first round and second round individually.
" Don't go for more, because teer counter and teer number only good as a game "
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